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RONA16 Arts Catalogue

On October 22nd, 2016, AELA held Australia’s first Rights of Nature Tribunal in Brisbane.  The Citizens' Tribunal heard cases presented by citizens and Earth lawyers concerned about the destruction of ecosystems in Australia.  To support the Tribunal and promote cultural engagement with the emerging movement around the Rights of Nature, AELA coordinated a national arts celebration - 'Rights of Nature Australia 2016' or 'RONA16', with the intention to blend the creative re-interpretation of environmental governance with cultural responses to the rights of the natural world to flourish.

Please click on the links below for detailed information about RONA16:

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  • Download the catalogue from our 2016 Arts Program
  • For a copy of our RONA16 flyer, please click here.
  • For further information about the Australian Peoples' Tribunal for Community and Nature's Rights, please click here.