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Dr Michelle Maloney

Dr Michelle Maloney is an Earth lawyer and advocate for ecocentric and nature based governance. She is recognised internationally and in Australia for her work advocating for Earth centred law and governance. Michelle is Director, Ecocentrix Consulting; Co-Founder and Director of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), and Co-Founder and Director of Future Dreaming, an Indigenous led organisation that works to share Indigenous ecological and governance knowledge with non-Indigenous people and organisations in Australia. Michelle holds a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science and History) and Laws (Honours) from the Australian National University and a PhD in Law from Griffith University. Michelle’s PhD analysed how regulation can be used to reduce unsustainable consumption. Her other affiliations can be seen on this webpage, and she is Adjunct Senior Fellow, Law Futures Centre, Griffith University; Steering Group Member for the Earth Trusteeship Initiative and Advisory Council Member for the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN), Director of the New Economy Network Australia (NENA). To contact Michelle, please email:

Other Affiliations


Michelle is an Earth-centred human with a passionate love of the living world. A descendant of Irish people who were part of the colonisation of the continent of Australia, Michelle grew up in a little country town in outback Queensland, obtained a western education in law, politics and governance and then embarked on a life-long journey of learning, unlearning and decolonising much of the knowledge she learned at school and university. All of Michelle's work is focused on creating systems change, in order to shift industrialised societies towards an Earth centred culture and governance system.

Michelle holds a Bachelor of Arts (Political Science and History) and Laws (Honours) from the Australian National University and a PhD in Law from Griffith University.  She has more than 30 years experience designing and managing climate change, sustainability and community building projects in Australia, the United Kingdom, Indonesia and the USA. This includes working in solidarity with Indigenous colleagues in Central Queensland, South East Queensland and other regions, on a range of community building, natural resource management and cultural heritage projects.

Michelle met and fell in love with Earth jurisprudence and Earth Laws in 2009 and since 2011 has been working to promote the understanding and practical implementation of Earth centred governance in Australia, through her work with AELA.  Michelle's system change work connects with law, economics, ethics, education, the arts, fostering cross-cultural understanding and decolonising knowledge systems.

Michelle is a lively, entertaining and informative public speaker and enjoys connecting with people through her public speaking, workshops, short courses and other events.


The Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) is Michelle's primary platform for working across a range of multi-disciplinary, ecocentric projects and networks.

As Co-Founder and National Convenor of AELA, Michelle manages the strategic direction and governance of the organisation, including the extensive partnerships and networks that AELA has with legal, Indigenous, academic and environmental advocacy communities.

Michelle's work with AELA includes:

  • managing the work of the Australian Earth Laws Centre, including providing advice and community building support to community groups interested in engaging with Earth Laws, Rights of Nature and innovative bioregional governance approaches
  • designing and moderating a range of public webinar series, community workshops, conferences and other public events
  • designing AELA's Greenprints program, coordinating pilot Greenprints community projects and working with community groups and Local Councils to use the Greenprints approach
  • creating and organising the Australian Peoples' Tribunal (APT) for Community and Nature's Rights
  • designing and facilitating a range of AELA Education courses and workshops
  • managing AELA's fantastic staff, associates and volunteers

Michelle also works with a range of Indigenous colleagues and partner organisations, to assist connections between Western lawyers/western education, with Indigenous law and knowledge holders, and to support cross-cultural understanding and the decolonisation of western knowledge and practices in Australia.

Michelle's work with our connected sister organisations includes:

  • acting as a co-manager of AELA's sister organisation Future Dreaming
  • supporting the coordination of Regenerative Songlines Australia, following the leadership of Indigenous Elders and leaders, and other regenerative practitioners
  • coordinating the work of the New Economy Network Australia , in collaboration with other Directors, Hub Coordinators, members and networks
  • participating in a range of international and national groups and networks (listed above, in 'other affiliations')


Michelle is passionate about researching and disseminating information about how we can create legal and governance structures to help us live within our ecological limits and nurture the living world. She has edited three books and written numerous articles, chapters, blogs and opinion pieces about Earth centred governance.

Michelle is currently working on:

  • "Future Law: How the Relationist Ethos Could be a Foundation for Australian Society ", which is a book being co-authored with Kombu-merri person and Adjunct Associate Professor Mary Graham, University of Queensland. The book will be available in 2024.
  • A Handbook for Bioregional Governance, as part of AELA's 'Greenprints' project, which will be available in 2024.

Publications - books, book chapters, journal articles and other reports

AELA and Australian Peoples' Tribunal Reports


Book Chapters

Journal Articles

Non-refereed articles

Public speaking: lectures, webinars, conferences

  • "Rights of Nature and Earth Laws: An Australian Perspective" (invited speaker), 'Anima Animalia', Annual Symposium hosted by the Pilgrim Ecological Society, Czech Republic (online), 10 August 2023
  • "The Environmental Impacts of War and Militarism", (invited speaker) for the Peace in the Pacific Conference, organised by IPAN, 28 July 2023
  • "Accountability and Sustainable Transitions", (invited) International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress, Melbourne, 28 June 2023
  • "Earth centred governance", Keynote Presentation, Ecosummit Conference, Gold Coast, 13 June 2023
  • "Sustainable visions of the future", (invited speaker) Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network (AEGN) Conference, Sydney, 3 May 2023
  • Urban Greening Conference 2023, invited keynote, Sydney 27 April 2023
  • "Reimagining Law and Governance in Australia: Greenprints", IUCN Conference, (invited) QUT, Brisbane, 22 July 2022
  • "Sustainable Action for Climate Change: Geography in Conversation", for the Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane, 28 March 2023
  • "The ideas that lie beneath: Earth laws and Earth jurisprudence," Risk and Resilience Summit, (invited) Australian Government, Sydney, 29 June 2022
  • "Earth jurisprudence and the work of AELA", (invited) Guest presentation to the Queensland Faith Communities Council, Brisbane, 22 June 2022
  •  "Ladauto Si, Earth laws and new economic frameworks," Guest presentation for the Catholic Religious Australia Conference (invited), Sydney, 24 May 2022
  • "Weaving Up Renewal — Caring for Future Generations and the Earth", (invited) panel discussion at the online National Congress of Women event, 28 April 2022.
  • "The ongoing crisis of water injustice on the Barka River", part of the launch event for ANU Water Justice Hub, 'Virtual Exhibition: AquaWhen', 15 September 2021
  • Women's Climate Conversations 2021 #6 (August) Listening to First Nations knowledge to inform Earth-centred, collaborative governance’, webinar hosted by Women’s Climate Congress, 10 August 2021
  • ‘Could Australian Politicians Soon Be Prosecuted for Ecocide?’, Webinar hosted by the Green Institute, 29 July 2021
  • ‘Ecological Law and Regulation to Achieve Degrowth”, The International Society for Ecological Economics and European Society for Ecological Economics Degrowth Conference, 8 July 2021
  • ‘Co-creating a Movement for the World We Want’, International Webinar hosted by Local Futures, 21 June 2021
  • ‘Earth laws and Rights of Nature’ – Guest speaker, webinar hosted by NSW Young Lawyers, 15 June 2021
  • “Earth laws, arts & creativity: the work of AELA”, online public lecture for Redline Arts Group, United Kingdom, 9 June 2021
  • “Rights of Nature in Practice” – Workshop for the NSW Greens Conference, 9 May 2021
  • ‘Sessions from the Deep: Making Waves’, webinar hosted by Youth for Our Planet Asia-Pacific, 10 April 2021
  • ‘The Feminist Legal Judgment Writing Project’, Guest speaker, panel discussion hosted by Pakistani Feminist Judgments Project, 27 March 2021
  • ‘Declaration on the Rights of the Moon’ Panel Discussion, International Association for the Study of the Commons 2021 Commons in Space Virtual Conference, 26 March 2021
  • ‘The Royal Societies of Australia Stewardship of Country - From Past to Future - Part 3 of a Virtual Event Series’, webinar hosted by Royal Societies of Australia and Inspiring Australia Victoria, 24 March 2021
  • 'Life after the pandemic', Politics in the Pub, hosted by Communify, The Powerhouse, New Farm, Brisbane, 17 March 2021
  • 'Ecological Law and Degrowth', Webinar hosted by the Ecological Law and Governance Association, online, 17 March 2021
  • 'Life after the pandemic', Politics in the Pub, hosted by Communify, The Powerhouse, New Farm, Brisbane, 17 March 2021
  • 'Ecological Law and Degrowth', webinar hosted by the Ecological Law and Governance Association, online, 17 March 2021
  • ‘(Co)Housing Ecologies - Part 2 Systems of collective resilience’, webinar hosted by CoHousing Australia, online, 17 February 2021
  • ‘Sustainability & Caring for Country - First Nations Webinar’, hosted by University of Queensland Sustainability, online, 16 February 2021
  • 'Rights of Nature or Rights of People?' Panel Discussion, Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) 'Restoring the Climate - I am the Solution', 6 February 2021
  • 'Rights of Nature in Australia: can we decolonise and rethink the Rights of Nature?', Global Forum on Human Rights and Rights of Nature, Widener Law School and CDER, 2 October 2020
  • 'Should the moon have legal personhood?' Panel discussion, Webinar, August 2020
  • Greenprints and bioregional governance', presentation as part of online forum "Our Place-Getting to Know Our Bioregion (Sunshine Coast), Saturday 18 April 2020
  • Climate Justice Panel, online forum hosted by the Progressive Law Network and Monash University, 1 April 2020
  • 'The New Economy and bioregional governance,' 22 March, 2020, "Going Local - Hope in a Time of Crisis", Conference organised by Local Futures and NENA/New Economy Network Australia
  • 'The Stories Not Being Told: Earth centred governance and the Australian Peoples' Tribunal', presentation at 'Storying Climate Change and the 'Environmental Resonance' Dilemma', 27 February 2020, hosted by University of Melbourne
  • 'Challenging Consumption and the Right to Repair', presentation at 'Right to Repair Symposium', 6 February 2020, hosted by the Law Futures Centre, Griffith University, Brisbane
  • Online Book launch - "From Environmental to Ecological Law" - (speaking in the recording from 1.08), February 2020
  • Bioregional Governance Public Lectures - Margaret River (2 October), Bunbury (3 October), Perth (5 October) Byron Bay (3 November) 2019
  • 'Rights of Nature and Bioregional Governance', Presentation, WA State NRM and Coastal Conference, 1-4 October, 2019 Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA
  • 'The future of water,' Final Panel Discussion, Liveable Cities Conference, Adelaide, 13 August 2019
  • 'Rights of Nature Laws Around the World: Perspectives from Australia and the Pacific', Public Seminar, IRD/SPREP, Noumea, New Caledonia, 26 June 2019
  • 'Rights of Nature and Legal Personhood for Nature: Perspectives from Australia and the Pacific', Presentation, Pacific Biodiversity Conference, IRD/SPREP, Noumea, New Caledonia, 24-25 June 2019
  • 'Earth laws and Bioregional Governance,' Presentation as part of the ELGA Panel "Themes in Ecological Law and Governance", Annual CANSEE Conference (Canadian Society for Ecological Economics), 24 May 2019 (via internet)
  • Sustainability Round Table with Jane Goodall, Macquarie University Law School, 7 May 2019
  • Rights of Nature and Earth Laws in Australia', Presentation, 10th Geneva Forum, United Nations, Geneva - Rights of Nature for Peace and Development (via zoom), 10 December 2018
  • 'The future for agri-food research, policy and activism in the Anthropocene - the role of Earth laws', Opening Panel Discussion, Agri-food XXV: Celebrating 25 Years of Australasian Agri-Food Research, University of Queensland, 5 December 2018
  • 'The Human Right to a Healthy Environment and the Rights of Nature', Presentation at 'Human Rights, Fracking and Climate Change' Seminar, co-hosted by EDO Qld, Griffith University and AELA, 4 December 2018
  • ‘Creating an Earth centred future: law, economics, ethics and education”, Keynote Presentation, Alternative Futures Symposium, University of Newcastle, 22-23 November 2018, UTS, Sydney
  • 'Bioregional Governance and Earth centred law," Presentation, Exploring our legal relationship with living world, Brisbane, 25-26 October 2018
  • "Earth jurisprudence and building an Earth centred society," Presentation, St. Mary's in Exile, South Brisbane, 9 October 2018
  • 'Advocating for the Rights of Nature in Australia: The work of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance', presentation given to the 10 Year Celebration of Rights of Nature in Ecuador, hosted by the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, 27 September 2018, Quito, Ecuador (via zoom)
  • "Using the law for people and planet," Panel Discussion at UTS Law Students Association Conference, Ultimo, Sydney, 11 August 2018
  • "Using law and regulation to challenge consumption and planned obsolescence", Zero Waste Forum, Winter Solstice Festival, Northey Street, 23 June 2018
  • 'Building an Earth centred legal system: Rights of Nature and Bioregional Governance", 23 June, 2018 Queensland Ornithological Conference, Brisbane
  • "The work of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance", Earth Trusteeship Conference, The Hague, 22 June (via internet)
  • "Sustainability and Earth Centred Governance", Presentation to staff, St. Ignatius High School, Edmund Rice Network, Townsville 16 June 2018
  • "A pathway to Earth centred, bio-regional governance: the GreenPrints approach", RenewFest, May 2018
  • 'Responding to the Reports of the Australian Panel of Experts on Environmental Law (APEEL): Rights of Nature and Bioregional Environmental Governance', at the APEEL Conference, "Better laws for a better planet: a symposium on the future of Australia's environmental laws", University House, ANU, Canberra 28 March 2018
  • "Food systems and the 2018 Rights of Nature Tribunal", Transition Film Festival, Brisbane 23 March 2018
  • 'When objects become subjects: the global Rights of Nature movement, and what it means for Australia", Frontiers Environmental Law Conference, Hobart, February 5-6 February 2018
  • 'The failing of environmental law and why we need Rights of Nature laws", Rights of Nature Symposium, 27 October 2017, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
  • 'GreenPrints: an approach for implementing ecological economics,' Canadian Society for Ecological Economics Conference, October 2017, Montreal
  • 'How can we change the world?' Evening Seminar/Panel Discussion hosted by QUT Business School, also featuring Professor Will Steffen and Dr Richard Denniss at QUT Gardens Point, 31 August 2017
  • 'The Rights of Nature and AELA's "Exploring the Legal Status of Nature Project"', Legal Status of Rivers Symposium, AELA and CREEL/Melbourne Law School, July 2017
  • 'Careers in Sustainability', University of Queensland, July 2017
  • 'Threats to land and water in Australia: mega mines and environmental justice', Beyond Mining Symposium, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 3 March 2017
  • 'Earth Jurisprudence and Responding to the Great Work', Nature in Culture Symposium, Sydney Environment Institute, 23 February 2017
  • 'Teaching Earth Jurisprudence: Building Capacity for Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving', Frontiers3, Melbourne Law School 16 February 2017
  • 'AELA's GreenPrints Program and The Role of The Arts', InterCreate Panel, Global Ecologies and Local Impacts Conference, Sydney Environment Institute, Sydney University, 23-25 November 2016
  • 'Next generation environmental law or echoes of 1984? Regulating consumption in industrialised societies", Global Ecologies and Local Impacts Conference, Sydney Environment Institute, Sydney University, 23-25 November 2016
  • 'The New Economy and our Relationship with the Natural World: An Earth Jurisprudence Approach', "Building the New Economy: enterprise, activism and social change Conference", Glebe Town Hall, Sydney 15-16 August 2016
  • 'Regulating Consumption: A Framework for Taking Collective Action', Opening presentation at AELA's "Let's Talk About Consumption" Symposium, Melbourne, 4 March 2016
  • 'Ownership Matters in the Sharing Economy', Panel Discussion for Melbourne Sustainability Festival, 18 February 2016.
  • 'Regulating Consumption: A Framework for Taking Collective Action', Opening presentation at AELAs "Let's Talk About Consumption" Symposium, Brisbane, 28 August 2015
  • ‘Australia’s Response to Climate Change: A Case Study in What Not to Do to Your Carbon Price’, Environmental and Earth Law Summit, Barry University, Florida, USA, 9 April 2015 (invited)
  • ‘Earth jurisprudence and environmental law – what’s in it for you?’ - Public lecture for Environmental Law Students Society, Barry University, Florida, 30 March 2015
  • ‘The Precautionary Principle in theory and practice’ - Public lecture, Miami Dade University, 20 March 2015
  • ‘Earth jurisprudence and the Precautionary Principle’ - Workshop delivered to Earth Ethics Institute, Miami Dade College, 20 March 2015
  • 'Implementing Earth jurisprudence: The Work of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance', Guest lecture, California Institute for Integral Studies, San Francisco, 3 March 2015
  • ‘Rights of Nature and Protected Areas’, Paper presented at IUCN World Parks Congress, Green Justice Panel, Sydney 17 November 2014
  • ‘The implications of Planetary Boundaries for Earth Jurisprudence and national environmental regulation’, Paper presented at the New Zealand Earth Laws Conference on Sustainability, Wellington, New Zealand, 14-17 March 2014 (invited)
  • ‘Ecological Limits, Planetary Boundaries and Earth Jurisprudence’, Paper presented at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Academy of Environmental Law Conference, Waikato, New Zealand 26-28 June 2013
  • ‘Using The Law to Support Community Climate Action,’ Public lecture and panel discussion at the Australian Climate Action Summit Forum, NSW Parliament House, 21 June 2013 (invited)
  • ‘Access to Environmental Justice in Queensland – News from the Trenches’, Presentation to Environmental Justice Symposium hosted by Sydney University Law School, 5 May 2013 (invited)
  • ‘Environmental Justice and the Role of Governments,’ Paper presented at Environmental Justice Symposium, co-hosted by Victorian Environment Defenders Office and Centre for Resources, Energy and Environmental Law (CREEL), Melbourne University, Melbourne, 27 July 2012 (invited)
  • 'Wild Law and Earth jurisprudence', Sustainable Engineers, June 2012
  • ‘Climate Justice: Gaps and Opportunities in Government Policy’, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility Conference ‘Adaptation in Action’ , Melbourne, June 2012
  • ‘Finding limits for human societies: can Earth Jurisprudence put the brakes on unsustainable consumption?’, Earth Jurisprudence: Building Theory and Practice, Griffith University, Brisbane 16-18 September 2011
  • ‘Wild Law – An Introduction’ - Public Seminar at Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane, July 2011
  • ‘Next Generation Environmental Law or Echoes of 1984? Regulating Individuals for Environmental Outcomes’, PhD Colloquium, Griffith University, July 2011
  • ‘Limiting Consumption – Wild Law in Practice?’, ‘Keeping the Fire’ Conference, July 2010, Wollongong University
  • ‘Transforming Domestic Consumption Patterns in Urban Water Supply in South East Queensland’, joint paper with Professor Jan McDonald, International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, June 2010, Gold Coast
  • ‘Going Against the Flow: Transforming Urban Water Consumption’, joint paper with Professor Jan McDonald, Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, December 2009, Brisbane

Podcasts and media interviews

Michelle's Blog

‘Earthwords and Ponderings’, is where Michelle shares updates and ponderings about the amazing work carried out by by the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), New Economy Network Australia (NENA) and Future Dreaming.

""Since co-founding AELA in early 2012, I’ve had the privilege of watching the Earth laws movement – and the demand for ecocentric systems change – grow and morph in Australia and around the world, and become even more than we could have imagined.  As part of AELA’s strategies for building Earth-centred governance, AELA auspiced the creation of the New Economy Network Australia (NENA) in 2016, and co-created Future Dreaming in early 2020. Our adventures together are inspiring and exciting.

I hope you enjoy reading about some of the fantastic people we get to work with – and the important ideas that deserve wider understanding and uptake."" - Michelle Maloney

Blog link:


Michelle is committed to designing and delivering education that enables people to care about life on Earth, and create Earth centred governance systems. Michelle has been creating and hosting community education workshops for AELA since AELA was founded in 2012. In 2015 she taught Earth jurisprudence for a semester at the Center for Earth Jurisprudence, at Barry University, Florida USA, and Michelle is a regular guest lecturer in a number of universities in Australia including UNSW, UQ, QUT and Bond University.

Michelle has created and taught the following :

  • 2023 - "Building a New Economy for Australia: NENA Short Course", convened for the New Economy Network Australia, 8 week course, May/June 2023
  • 2023 - "Introduction to Earth Laws" - AELA's 4 week Professional Development Course, February 2023
  • 2022 - "Earth Centred Futures" - AELA's 8 week Professional Development Course, July-August 2021. Please visit our AELA Education webpage for more details.
  • 2022 - 5 May - "Engaging with communities beyond the Academy", 1 Day Professional Development Workshop for Griffith University's "Flourish" Conference, for Mid Career Researchers
  • 2021 - Kids in Action - Michelle ran 3 workshops about environmental governance for primary school students at the 'Kids in Action' program sponsored by the Sunshine Coast Council
  • 2022 and 2021 - Michelle created and facilitated the New Economy Network Australia's (NENA) first 8 week Professional Development course on the new economy: "Building a New Economy for Australia: Foundations for Learning and Practice"
  • 2018, 2017 and 2016 - Michelle created Australia's first university level course on Earth laws, which was taught at Griffith University Law School in Brisbane as a summer school each year from 2016 to 2018.

Michelle has been a guest lecturer in a wide range of university courses, including the following:

  • Bond University, Wild Law Course, March 2023
  • UNSW Masters Course on Sustainability– Guest Lecturer in 2021, 2022, 2023

Selected Workshops and Webinar Series - hosted by AELA

  • Earth Laws Month 2023 - September 2023
  • Earth Laws Month 2022 - 32 webinars hosted across September 2022, featuring speakers from around the world
  • “Climate Conscious Lawyering”, AELA Webinar Series - Exploring Earth Laws, 1 July 2021
  • Caring for Country, Caring for Each Other: Celebrating World Localisation Day in Australia”, AELA Webinar Series - Exploring Earth Laws, 14 June 2021
  • Exploring River Rights, with Dr Erin O'Donnell”, AELA Webinar Series - Exploring Earth Laws, 1 June 2021
  • “An Introduction to Indigenous First Laws with Dr Anne Poelina, Martuwarra River Council (Kimberley Region, WA)”, AELA Webinar Series - Exploring Earth Laws,11 May 2021
  • Making ecocide a crime: international update with Jojo Mehta, Stop Ecocide International”, AELA Webinar Series - Exploring Earth Laws, 14 April 2021
  • “Earth Systems Law and the Earth Condominium Concept”, AELA Webinar Series - Exploring Earth Laws , 17 March 2021
  • "Introduction to the Rights of Nature and Earth Laws", 2021 Workshop Series (March to November)
  • "Connecting to Place, Caring for Country", Workshop co-hosted with Future Dreaming, Brisbane, half day workshops held in March, April, May, June and December 2020
  • 'One Ocean Symposium: Exploring Rights of Nature and Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction', New York, Saturday 24 August 2019
  • 'Earth Laws: Rights of Nature and bioregional governance', co-hosted by TreeSisters, Sunshine Coast University, 27 April 2019
  • 'Developing a GreenPrint - bioregional governance for East Gippsland", 2 Day Workshop, 12-13 April 2019
  • "Rights of Nature and Bioregional Governance" - East Gippsland, Victoria, 29 July 2018
  • "GreenPrints: A pathway to Earth centred, bio-regional governance", RenewFest, 17th May 2018
  • "Sustainability and Earth centred governance," St Laurence's College, Brisbane, 10th May 2018
  • 'Earth laws and governance', Brisbane, EcoCentre, June 2017
  • 'Exploring Earth Laws, Earth Democracy and the Rights of Nature', One day workshop, Orbost, Victoria, 6th March 2016
  • ‘Responding to Thomas Berry’s Great Work: The role of lawyers and the work of AELA’ – Workshop presentation, Thomas Berry Colloquium, Edmund Rice Centre Amberley and Centre for Ecology and Spirituality, Glenburn, 8 November 2014 (invited)
  • ‘Should Rivers Have Legal Rights?’ Public seminar with Environmental Justice Victoria and RMIT, 6 November 2014
  • ‘An Introduction to Wild Law and Rights of Nature’ – Public lecture, EcoCentre Sustainability Series, Griffith University, Brisbane, 6 June 2013 (invited)
  • ‘Introduction to Wild Law, Earth Jurisprudence and Rights of Nature – Paper presented at Australian Earth Laws Alliance Workshop, Sydney 3 May 2013
  • ‘Earth Jurisprudence and Rights of Nature’ - Public Lecture, Perth 6 February 2013
  • ‘New Trends in Environmental Law – Rights of Nature and Legal Personhood for Ecosystems’, Public Lecture hosted by Northern Territory Environmental Defender’s Office, 5 December 2012
  • ‘Living Within Our Ecological Limits: the Role of Law and Governance’ - Paper presented at Australian Earth Laws Alliance Workshop, Adelaide, 30 November 2012
  • ‘Earth Governance, Ecological Limits and the Role of Law’ – Paper presented at AELA Workshop, Melbourne, 17 August 2012

Selected Greenprints Workshops, Public Lectures and Training Events

  • Various Greenprints workshops - Lithgow Transformation Hub, Nov 2023 to November 2024
  • "How Greenprints can help us create Earth-centred governance", Public lecture/webinar, 18 November, 2021
  • "Doughnut Economics and the Greenprints approach," Plenary Presentation, Wellbeing Economy Week/NENA Annual Conference 2021, 4 November 2021
  • "Regen Brisbane: using the Greenprints steps for regenerative cities" – Regen Brisbane launch event, 29 and 30 July 2021 (Brisbane)
  • Bioregional governance and the Greenprints Approach – Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council, 5 July 2021 (Broome, WA)
  • Using the Greenprints approach – presentation to Regen Adelaide working group, June 2021 (online)
  • Greenprints and AELA’s vision for future governance‘, interview with Andrew Ward, Ethical Fields, as part of their ‘Common Wealth Building’ Series, 26 August 2020

Collaborative Arts Events

  • Tipping Points 2022 - a virtual gallery, webinar series and creative anthology, celebrating Earth centred law and governance
  • Voices of Nature 2020 - a national network of creative events to celebrate the Rights of Nature Week 2020, culminating in art exhibitions and performances in Brisbane in October 2020 (in conjunction with the Australian Peoples' Tribunal for Community and Nature's Rights). Please visit our Earth Arts website for all the updates.
  • RONA18 - Rights of Nature Australia 2018 - a national network of creative events, including a National Exhibition at the Springhill Reservoirs 22-29 October, regional exhibitions and arts responses
  • Earth Arts Creatives Retreat - Chenrezig Institute, Sunshine Coast, 15-18 June 2018
  • RONA16 - Rights of Nature Australia 2016 - a national network of creative events, including "Plenty", a national exhibition at the Brisbane Powerhouse; regional exhibitions and arts responses and an Artist in Residence program
  • 2014 - Bundanon Trust ‘Siteworks’, September – Co-organiser of Earth Leaders Lab and Panel Speaker at SiteWorks
  • 2013 - Wild Law Art Exhibition ‘Re-Orientation’ – 25 September to 2 October - in partnership with Associate Professor Marian Drew, Griffith College of Art.
  • 2012 - Guest speaker and participant, “Wild Law Arts Incubator”, organised by De Quincy & Co, Sydney

Curated conferences and events