Earth Laws, Legal Personhood and Rights of Nature: An Introduction

February 18, 2025
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm (AEST)
Online (via Zoom)

Please join us for a free workshop about the emerging Rights of Nature movement, which is seeing people around the world work to change laws and their legal system, so that ecosystems are respected and cared for as living beings.

In this workshop, our guest speaker, Dr Michelle Maloney, will provide an introduction to Rights of Nature, Earth Laws and the concept of "legal personhood'" for rivers, forests, mountains and other ecosystems. We'll discuss how these ideas are being turned into practice around the world, and how they might be used in Australia, to help us protect our local ecosystems in the Hawkesbury region.

This workshop is being co-hosted by the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) and Mountains for Wildlife.


Dr Michelle Maloney, Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA)

Dr Michelle Maloney (BA/LLB, PhD) is an Earth lawyer and advocate for Earth centred governance. She is recognised internationally and in Australia, as an expert on Rights of Nature, Legal Personhood and Earth laws. To read about Michelle's work please visit:


AELA is a not-for-profit organisation working to increase the understanding and practical implementation of Earth-centred (ecocentric) governance, with a focus on systems change across law, economics, education, ethics and community participation in Australia. AELA's vision is an Australian society that embraces an ecocentric or ‘life-centred’ culture, with governance systems that enable human communities to thrive within ecological boundaries, while nurturing biodiversity and ecosystem health. AELA's work includes education programs and project support for people, communities and organisations working to create ecocentric systems change.

For more information about AELA, please visit our website:
or email us anytime: