Return to CELDF Tour – Exploring Community and Nature’s Rights

Margaret River

The Australian Earth Laws Alliance, in partnership with Eco-Logik International and Tingrith House, is pleased to invite you to two events in Margaret River in early October, featuring Mari Margil and Thomas Linzey from the USA’s Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF).

For information about the work of CELDF, please visit our webpage – and visit CELDF’s website:

Thursday 3rd October – Free Public Presentation

Achieving legal frameworks for Rights of Nature: US Experience

Thursday 3 October, 6pm-7.30pm (Networking 7.30-8pm)

Tingrith Meeting House, Osmington Road, Osmington

Cost: Free (Donations invited at the door)

For a copy of the flyer for the Public Presentation, please click here

This presentation is free but bookings are essential.  Please RSVP by 30 September, 2013 by emailing: or by calling (08) 97574014


Friday 4th October – Half Day Workshop

Exploring New Pathways for Building Resilient,

Vital and Healthy Communities

Half day workshop - Friday 4th October, 9.00am to 12.30pm
Tingrith Meeting House, Osmington Road, Osmington

For a copy of the flyer and program for the Workshop, please click here

This workshop is free, but donations are welcome.

Bookings are essential.  Please RSVP by September 30 by emailing:  or phone: (08) 97574014

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