Author's posts

Caring for Country, Caring for Each Other: Celebrating World Localisation Day in Australia

How can we work together to create deep localization and a wellbeing society? How can we create a fair, ecologically healthy society for all, while responding to the challenges of ‘greenwashing’ and the corporatization of sustainability strategies?

Join us for …

Blue Mountains City Council becomes First Council in Australia to Adopt Rights of Nature as a Foundational Principle

Hanging Rock Lookout in the Blue Mountains

Media Release - Australian Earth Laws Alliance
28 April 2021

The Blue Mountains City Council (BMCC) has become the first Local Council – and in fact the first Government entity – in Australia, to embed ‘Rights of Nature’ as a …

What is the Declaration on the Rights of the Moon?

ABC Radio National / By Jackie Dent for Late Night Live

As a new space race kicks off, more countries and businesses are heading to the Moon and beyond.

A small group of space-thinkers and lawyers have raised concerns about …

Event [Oct 1 & 2, 2020]: Rights of Nature and the Human Right to a Healthy Environment in Dialogue

Global Forum

October 1 & 2, 2020

This two-day Global Forum will feature experts from around the world – including Ecuador, Colombia, Australia, New Zealand, India, the United States, and from tribal nations – discussing the interplay between the rights …

Reimagining an Earth Centered Economy with Michelle Maloney

Have a listen to AELA's National Convenor, Dr Michelle Maloney, chat with "Post Growth Australia" podcast host Michael Bayliss, about Earth laws, Earth jurisprudence and Earth centred economies.…

Reimagining an Earth Centered Economy with Michelle Maloney

Have a listen to AELA's National Convenor, Dr Michelle Maloney, chat with "Post Growth Australia" podcast host Michael Bayliss, about Earth laws, Earth jurisprudence and Earth centred economies.


Video: Here are 4 countries that give the natural world the same rights as humans

From the World Economic Forum Facebook page

A positive story in the middle of lockdown:
Plaintiff: Humanity.
Defendant: The whole ecosystem.

Read more:

Blue Mountains council resolves to integrate Rights of Nature into operations and planning

Blue Mountains City Council will investigate integrating the Rights of Nature into future operations and planning following a successful push by the mayor at the last council meeting.
Mayor Mark Greenhill moved a mayoral minute on the issue at …

Media Release: First Rights of Nature bill introduced in Australia

24 Nov, 2019

Rights of Nature and Future Generations Bill Introduced in Western Australian Parliament



Dr Michelle Maloney
Australian Centre for …

Recognizing Rights of Great Barrier Reef Could Help Defeat Destructive Coal Mine Project

Conventional environmental laws have allowed Adani’s Carmichael coal mine go forward in Australia. It’s time we changed them.

Recently, groundwater extraction permits were granted for the controversial Carmichael coal mine project in …