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AELA’s Team

AELA's Core Team

Michelle Maloney May 2018

Dr Michelle Maloney

Co-Founder and National Convenor

Dr Michelle Maloney (BA/LLB(Hons, PhD) manages the strategic direction and governance of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), including the extensive partnerships and networks AELA has with the legal, academic, indigenous and environmental advocacy communities. Michelle designs and manages AELA programs and events, and coordinates the work of staff, volunteers and collaborative networks. Michelle holds a Bachelor of Arts (political science and history) and Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from the Australian National University, and an PhD in environmental regulation, from the Griffith Law Futures Centre.

Michelle is also the Co-Founder and Director of the New Economy Network Australia (NENA); Co-Founder and Director of Future Dreaming Australia; Adjunct Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), and a member of the Advisory Council, Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature.

Michelle lives near Brisbane, Australia with her family and Ziggy the Wonderdog.

To read more about Michelle's work, including her affiliations, publications, podcasts and interviews, please visit her personal website here (

James Lee

AELA Operations and Governance

James Lee holds a Master of Environmental Management (MEM) from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and has a background in art, music (BMus) and film studies (GradDip Film & TV). James has expertise in interdisciplinary approaches to addressing ecological challenges and his work explores the role that cultural practices can play in informing and supporting Earth-centred governance. James provides technical and geospatial mapping support to the Greenprints program, and also oversees AELA's operational systems.

Sarah Bashforth

Administration Manager

Sarah has more than a decade of experience providing high level administrative support to organisations, including legal and other businesses. Sarah manages AELA's administrative and events schedule, and supports AELA's National Convenor, staff and volunteers. She is passionate about protecting the environment and believes strongly in earth-centred governance. Sarah, originally from Brisbane, now calls Bundaberg home and is a keen volunteer with her local Landcare group. She is very proud to be a part of the AELA team.


Alejandro Patricio Véliz Zúñiga

AELA Intern, Rights of Nature and decolonizing Western approaches to environmental law

Alejandro Patricio Véliz Zúñiga is a Chilean lawyer with a strong passion for protecting our planet and its resources. He is currently nearing the completion of his Masters in Environmental Law at Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

A sports enthusiast, avid traveller, and a lifelong learner, he is carrying out his Masters Internship with AELA to learn more about Rights of Nature and how to decolonize Western approaches to environmental law.

Kinaura Maisha Sugiarto

AELA Intern, Local economies in South-East Queensland

Kinaura Maisha Sugiarto is is a final-year student pursuing a double degree in Economics at Universitas Indonesia and in Economics and Public Policy at the University of Queensland. With a keen interest in macroeconomics and public policy, she enjoys writing and conducting research to gain new perspectives into how economics can address real-world challenges.

She is excited to join AELA as an intern and explore how we can understand and transform the relationship between economics and environmental issues.

Phoebe Hill-Douglas

AELA Intern

Phoebe Hill Douglas is a fourth-year Justice and Psychology student at QUT. She is passionate about policy reform, intersectional justice, and mental health-informed governance.

She enjoys researching and developing innovative solutions and believes effective governance should integrate psychological insights, cultural perspectives, and sustainability. She is excited to contribute to AELA’s work in ecological and social justice.

Wamika Sachdev

Legal Associate, Gender and Earth Laws

Wamika Sachdev has a B.A, L.L.B from Gurugobind Singh Indraprastha University and an Advanced Masters in Public International Law from Leiden University’s Grotius Center, specialising in peace, justice and development. She is passionate about gender equality and environmental protection, and her work with AELA is examining the role of women in the rights of nature and climate change movements in Australia and internationally. Wamika is also the co-founder and host of the Legalladies podcast on Spotify.