"Inspiring Earth Ethics: linking values and action", Brisbane 23-24 November 2017
Please click here to go back to the main webpage for the Inspiring Earth Ethics Conference.
We invite all prospective participants to be creative with your proposals and we welcome academic papers, inter active workshops, discussion groups, experiential activities and other forms of expression or ritual. Although we have invited some speakers in advance, the final program will depend upon what you submit.
The program will be crafted with an eye towards engaged and experiential learning that directly relates to our conference’s guiding question: how do we inspire and build Earth ethics in Australian society?
The six focus areas of the conference will inform the structure of the plenary and breakout sessions. The focus areas are:
- Perspectives and approaches from First Nations Peoples
- Earth-centred ethics and philosophy
- Environmental education
- Environmental psychology
- Faith, eco-spirituality and eco-theology
- Arts and creative imagining (Hope and resilience in the Anthropocene)
The following types of participation are invited:
- Academic papers – 15 minutes for presentations, followed by time for questions and discussion (Panel proposals are also welcome – 50 minutes in total will be allocated to panels)
- Discussion groups - 50 minutes in total
- Short performances or interventions – 25 minutes in total
- Mini-workshops or facilitated practices – 25 minutes
- Pecha Kucha or Open Minis (10 minute image collections or PPT presentations on a theme designed to stimulate discussion)
- ‘Side’ events that could be run on the day/evening before or after the conference
- Any other creative ideas!
Emails to: julia@earthlaws.org.au