AELA was thrilled to host Polly Higgins when she visited Brisbane and Sydney in March. Polly Higgins is a UK Barrister and author of Eradicating Ecocide and Earth is Our Business. Her focus of enquiry is on leadership crime. The plight of our time, she believes, is the abject failure of leadership and the lack of a (legal) duty of care to care for the Earth. Much of her time is spent speaking and advising on an international law of Ecocide.
To hear audio from Polly's talks please click the link below:
BRISBANE – Wednesday 12th March, 6.15 for 6.30pm-7.30pm
"Do we need an International law of Ecocide?" Join us for a cutting edge lecture for the public and the legal profession - co-hosted by AELA, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights and the International Commission of Jurists (Queensland).
Held in the Banco Court, 415 George Street, Brisbane.
- Stephen Keim SC - Barrister-at-Law, former President of ALHR and Bar Association of Queensland Council Member)
- Dr Chris McGrath - Barrister-at-Law, & Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland
- Michelle Maloney - Chair of EDO Qld and National Convenor, AELA
Chair: Benedict Coyne - Queensland State Convenor and National Committee Member of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights

From left to right: Michelle Maloney, Benedict Coyne, Polly Higgins, Stephen Keim SC and Dr Chris McGrath.
SYDNEY – Thursday 13th March, 6.15 for 6.30pm-8pm
"Do we need an International law of Ecocide?" - Co-hosted by AELA and the University of New South Wales.
University of New South Wales, Kensington, Sydney. Please click here for a copy of the flyer.
Jules Livingstone, NSW Coordinator, Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA)
Professor Bronwen Morgan, University of NSW Law School
VENUE: University of New South Wales, Sydney - Kensington Campus, Building F10, Room M17
BYRON BAY - Saturday 15th March
'Ecocide: The Rights of Nature/ An Evening with Polly Higgins'
Mullumbimby Civic Hall, 7pm.
ADELAIDE - 7th and 11th March
Polly spoke at Womadelaide on 7th March, with Tim Flannery and Peter Garrett.
She also spoke at a seminar called "Earth is Our Business", organised by the Committee for Economic Development for Australia (CEDA) on Tuesday 11th March. For more information please visit CEDA's website: