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Earth Economies

Through our Earth Economies Program, AELA works collaboratively with civil society organisations, university researchers, economists, and community advocates, to provide education opportunities and support community projects, focused on sustainable economies.

Today’s dominant economic system is built on the foundations of a global industrial and financial system with immense productive capacity, but the extractive nature of which has created extreme income disparity and social injustice and wrought devastation on the natural world. Earth jurisprudence calls for us to rethink and redesign our legal, economic and political systems, so that they nurture rather than destroy the Earth community. To this end, AELA is committed to supporting the creation of new economic systems and thriving local economies, characterised by small scale, socially just enterprises and community initiatives that nurture the Earth community.

Upcoming Events


AELA's work


AELA co-hosts a range of courses and events with the New Economy Network Australia (NENA) each year, including:

Community Projects

  • Greenprints SEQ
  • Greenprints Lithgow
