17 October, Adelaide – Earth laws workshop

Everyone is invited to join us for a free morning seminar in Adelaide, exploring Earth laws and Earth governance.

For a copy of the flyer and program for the Workshop, click here.

To book your place, please go to: http://trybooking.com/FZMQ


Free half day seminar, Adelaide - Friday 17 October 2014, 8.30am to 12pm
Flinders Building, 1st Floor, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide


  • Earth laws, rights of nature and community law making: global trends -  Michelle Maloney, National Convenor, Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA)
  • Social movements and transitioning to a sustainable  future - Dr Peter Burdon, Lecturer, Adelaide University
  • Challenges for environmental law in South Australia -  Melissa Ballantyne, Principal Solicitor, EDO South Australia
  • Living in the Creation - Georgina Williams, Senior Kaurna Woman
  • Post-graduate research in Earth Laws (University of Adelaide)
    • Creating a new duty of care - Kim Pedler
    • The disconnect between law and science - Claire Williams
    • Speciesism and the law - Katherine Russell